Dog Grooming Tips For Summer Season

Summer is finally here, and that means lots of fun outdoor adventures with your four-legged friend! While the warm weather and longer days are great for hiking, swimming, and playing fetch, the summer heat also brings some unique grooming needs for dogs. 

In this blog, we’ll cover all the essential dog grooming tips for the summer season, including the best ways to brush, bathe, trim, and protect your pup’s fur and skin. From managing shedding to preventing sunburn, fleas, and hot spots, these grooming strategies will help get your dog through the dog days of summer safe and comfortable. Let’s dive into the ultimate guide to summer grooming for a happy, healthy pup all season long!

8 Dog Grooming Tips For Summer Season

1. Brush Away Fur-tastrophes  

Increased shedding during summer means more brushing is needed to prevent matting and remove excess fur that can cause overheating. Aim for daily brushing for long or heavy-coated breeds, and weekly for short-haired dogs. Slicker brushes are great for detangling and de-shedding like this steel comb. Get those brushing sessions in early before the peak heat of the day.

2. Trim, Don’t Shave

While it might seem like shaving your dog is a good way to help them stay cool, this can actually do more harm than good. A dog’s coat provides insulation against both heat and sunburn. Instead of shaving, trim the fur to a manageable length to help with airflow while still offering protection from the sun.

3. Bathe Time Fun in the Sun

A thorough bath helps get rid of dirt, dander, and allergens from your dog’s coat. But be careful with overly frequent bathing as it can dry out their skin. Bring bath time outside for a fun summer activity using just a Pool Pup-safe shampoo and a bucket of lukewarm water. If your furry friend has a long coat, then try using this super fresh shampoo.

Bonus points for letting your pup air dry in the sunshine after!

4. The Paw-fect Pawdicure 

With more time outdoors, your dog’s nails and paw pads take a beating. Trim nails regularly to avoid excessive wear and cracking. Apply a paw wax or balm to paw pads before walks to protect against hot pavement and sand. And be sure to check between the toes for foxtails, burrs, or embedded debris after hikes.

5. Beware the Summer Skin Sizzle

Hot, humid weather can cause skin issues for dogs like hot spots, rashes, and allergies. Hot spots are areas of inflamed, infected skin that can be exacerbated by heat and humidity.  Regular grooming and keeping your dog’s coat clean and dry can help prevent these painful sores. Use hypoallergenic products, and rinse off after swimming to remove chlorine or salt residues. Ask your vet about medicated shampoos if your pup develops skin irritations.

6. Don’t Get Bugged by Pests

Fleas and ticks thrive in summer’s warmer temps. Use vet-recommended preventative products and perform daily checks. You can also use this bioline flea and tick spray. Carefully comb through the fur with a fine-tooth comb, especially behind the ears, under the legs, and around the face where these pests love to hide.

7. Ears & Hydration Station

Make it a habit to inspect, clean, and thoroughly dry your dog’s ears weekly to prevent moisture build-up that can lead to infection. Keep fresh, cool water available at all times, and consider adding electrolyte beverages to really beat the heat.

8. Paws for the Sun

Dogs can get sunburned too, especially those with short or light-colored fur. Apply a pet-safe sunscreen to sensitive areas like noses, tips of ears, and bellies. Avoid peak sun hours and provide plenty of shade and fresh water when outside. Doggy sun shirts and canine hats can also provide portable shade.  

Regular Dog Grooming Routine V/s Summer Dog Grooming Routine

Grooming Aspect Regular RoutineSummer Routine
Haircut LengthShorter cuts are typicalLeave more length for sun protection
Undercoat RemovalAggressive desheddingMinimal undercoat removal for insulation
Bathing FrequencyAs needed based on activitiesReduced to preserve natural oils
Conditioning ProductsHeavier, moisturizing productsLightweight products to prevent overheating
Drying MethodForced air/cage dryers Allow longer air-drying
SchedulingAny time of daySchedule for cooler morning/evening hours
Post-Groom CareRegular activitiesKeep indoors in air conditioning after grooming
FocusMinimize shedding and mattingPrevent overheating and sunburn risks

What Are A Few Things To Avoid When Grooming Dogs During The Hot Summer Months?

1. Don’t over-brush or excessively remove undercoat

 Dogs need their undercoat to help insulate and protect them from the sun’s heat. Excessive brushing can remove too much of this protective layer.

2. Avoid grooming during the hottest times of day 

Groom in the cooler morning or evening hours to prevent overheating the dog during the grooming process.

3. Don’t use heavy conditioning products 

Thick, heavy conditioners can inadvertently insulate the coat too much in hot weather.

4. Avoid tight bandanas or accessories

These can trap heat around the neck area.

5. Don’t leave dogs outside in the sun after grooming 

Freshly groomed coats reflect more heat until the oils build back up.

6. Avoid strenuous drying methods 

Cage dryers and forced air can stress the dog. Allow longer air-drying periods.


As the weather heats up, paying special attention to your pup’s grooming routine is the key to keeping them healthy, protected, and ready to soak up all the summer fun. From brushing that furry coat to battling pesky fleas and ticks, these dog grooming tips for the summer season will help your dog stay cool as a cucumber all season long.

Nab those grooming supplies and get ready to keep your four-legged buddy living their best life this summer. They’ll be fetching tennis balls and splashing in the pool in no time, all while staying healthy, happy, and flawlessly groomed from nose to tail. The coolest dog on the block? That’ll be yours!


How often should I groom my dog during the summer?

During the summer, it’s a good idea to groom your dog more frequently, typically every 4 to 6 weeks. This helps manage shedding, keeps their coat clean, and allows you to check for ticks and other pests that are more prevalent in warm weather.

What type of brush should I use for my dog’s summer grooming?

The type of brush you use depends on your dog’s coat. For short-haired dogs, a bristle brush or a grooming glove works well. For long-haired breeds, a slicker brush or an undercoat rake can help manage shedding and prevent tangles. Regular brushing helps keep your dog’s coat healthy and free of debris.

What are some signs of heatstroke in dogs, and how can grooming help prevent it?

Signs of heatstroke in dogs include excessive panting, drooling, red gums, vomiting, and lethargy. To help prevent heatstroke, keep your dog well-groomed to avoid heavy mats and tangles that can trap heat. Provide plenty of fresh water, ensure they have access to shade, and avoid strenuous activity during the hottest parts of the day. Regular grooming can help you monitor your dog’s health and catch any early signs of overheating.

Is summer too hot for dogs?

Summer can be too hot for dogs, particularly during peak temperatures and heatwaves. Dogs are more susceptible to heat-related issues such as heatstroke, dehydration, and burned paw pads. To keep your dog safe in hot weather, ensure they have access to plenty of fresh water, shade, and avoid strenuous exercise during the hottest parts of the day.